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Release Triton 5.0

· 2 min read
Lars Møster

💥Breaking Change - Angular V.16 - React V.18

This new Triton release is to match the new Angular and React versions. There are no other breaking changes in this release.

New Component - Segmented Control 🎫

The new component Segmented Control is now live. Similar to the Triton Tab, the segmented control consists of one connected button group where the user can activate a single button at a time. This can be used to let the user switch between different states. Where a tab is more limited, the Segmented Control is a more flexible component.

New Feature for Numeric Input: Arrows 🔽🔼

The Triton Input component now has a new feature. When using type as "number", the input field will now have the web standard up and down arrows, to increment and decrement the number. Previously, to increment or decrement, the user could only use the arrow keys, and there was no visual indication that this could be done.

Bugfixes 🐛