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Version: 1.0.0

Push Bar


<div style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;">
<div id="content" style="height: 200px;overflow: hidden;">
Use this component for a common styling of a bar that would expand or collapse another element.<br/><br/>This is an example (also see the HTML section) of a <i>content</i> element, that gets collapsed/expanded, and the actual push bar, which is
wrapped in the <i>PUSHBAR component</i> comment.<br/><br/>Use your framework of choice to handle content element size and bar icon change (handled by the <i>toggleContent</i> function below), add transitions (can simply be added to the parent
div of the kx-push-bar and to the content element), etc.
<!-- PUSHBAR component -->
<div class="kx-push-bar kx-push-bar__horizontal" onclick="toggleContent()">
<em class="kx-icon kx-icon--size-moderate kx-push-bar__icon">
<svg focusable="false">
<use id="image" xlink:href="/assets/img/icons/sprites/icons.svg#chevron-up"></use>

<script type="application/javascript">
function toggleContent() {
let svgElement = document.getElementById('image');
let contentElement = document.getElementById('content');
let height = contentElement.clientHeight;
let newHeight = 200;
if (height) {
newHeight = 0;
} = `${newHeight}px`;
let isUp = svgElement.getAttribute('xlink:href').endsWith('up');
if (isUp) {
svgElement.setAttribute('xlink:href', '/assets/img/icons/sprites/icons.svg#chevron-down');
} else {
svgElement.setAttribute('xlink:href', '/assets/img/icons/sprites/icons.svg#chevron-up');


<div style="display: flex;{% if orientation == 'horizontal' %}flex-direction: column;{% endif %}">
<div id="content" style="{% if orientation == 'vertical' %}width: 300px; height: 350px;{% else %}height: 200px;{% endif %}overflow: hidden;">
{{ content }}
<!-- PUSHBAR component -->
<div class="kx-push-bar kx-push-bar__{{ orientation }}" onclick="toggleContent()">
<em class="kx-icon kx-icon--size-moderate kx-push-bar__icon">
<svg focusable="false">
<use id="image" xlink:href="/assets/img/icons/sprites/icons.svg#chevron-{% if orientation == 'vertical' %}left{% else %}up{% endif %}"></use>

<script type="application/javascript">
{% if orientation == 'horizontal' %}

function toggleContent() {
let svgElement = document.getElementById('image');
let contentElement = document.getElementById('content');

let height = contentElement.clientHeight;
let newHeight = 200;
if (height) {
newHeight = 0;
} = `${newHeight}px`;

let isUp = svgElement.getAttribute('xlink:href').endsWith('up');
if (isUp) {
svgElement.setAttribute('xlink:href', '/assets/img/icons/sprites/icons.svg#chevron-down');
} else {
svgElement.setAttribute('xlink:href', '/assets/img/icons/sprites/icons.svg#chevron-up');

{% else %}

function toggleContent() {
let svgElement = document.getElementById('image');
let contentElement = document.getElementById('content');

let width = contentElement.clientWidth;
let newWidth = 300;
if (width) {
newWidth = 0;
} = `${newWidth}px`;

let isLeft = svgElement.getAttribute('xlink:href').endsWith('left');
if (isLeft) {
svgElement.setAttribute('xlink:href', '/assets/img/icons/sprites/icons.svg#chevron-right');
} else {
svgElement.setAttribute('xlink:href', '/assets/img/icons/sprites/icons.svg#chevron-left');

{% endif %}