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Version: 5.0.2


The Triton Common Layout provides simple scaffolding for rendering a page. It provides solts for header, sidebar, and main content. Triton Layout should be used for full-page applications - in cases where you are intending to use Triton throughout the application.

Basic Usage

Header item

...sidebar content
Header item

...sidebar content
<script type="module">
import { defineCustomElements } from '~node_modules/@kognifai/triton-cl-common/loader/index.es2017.js';
Header item

...sidebar content

In this example you can see the use of Triton Layout accross the page. Layout is useful for bringing a page to life quickly, and enables you to better take advantage of the complete Triton universe in your full-page applications. The Triton Layout is a wrapper for the whole web page, and provides slots for the header, sidebar, and content.

