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Logos are a crucial part of brand identity and brand recognition. Logos are featured prominently in KDI products and Triton's goal is to facilitate this. The use of logos in Triton is consistent across different platforms and devices, ensuring that they are always recognizable and easily identifiable. Logos are also used to indicate the source of the content or the product, which is important for Kongsberg and its subsidiaries.

To ensure consistency and quality, Triton provides guidelines for how logos should be used in products. These guidelines include specifications for logo size, placement, and spacing, as well as instructions for when to use different versions of the logo. Triton also provides tools and resources to help designers and developers implement logos in their products, such as logo assets and templates. By following these guidelines and using Triton's resources, designers and developers can create products that are consistent, professional, and on-brand.

Logo Guidelines

Logo Size

The Kongsberg logo or other product logos should be legible and clearly visible in Triton interfaces. The minimum recommended logo size for the Kongsberg logo is 50 pixels wide. The size of other product logos should be proportionate to the Kongsberg logo.

Logo Placement

The Kongsberg logo should be placed at the top-left corner of the interface, and should not overlap with other interface elements. Other product logos can be placed in a position that is consistent with the overall design and layout of the interface.

Logo Spacing

The Kongsberg logo or other product logos should have enough space around them to maintain their integrity and ensure legibility. A minimum spacing of half the width of the logo should be maintained on all sides.

Logo Versions

There are several versions of the Kongsberg logo, and each version should be used in specific contexts. The standard Kongsberg logo with the full name should be used in most cases. However, there are instances where the shortened Kongsberg logo or a product-specific logo might be more appropriate.

The shortened Kongsberg logo without the full name can be used in instances where space is limited, such as in small interface elements or social media avatars.

Each Kongsberg product has its own logo, which can be used in contexts where the product is the primary focus of the interface or communication.

These guidelines should help ensure that Triton interfaces maintain a consistent and professional look and feel across all products and interfaces.