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Version: 5.0.3


Main component that is responsible for handling all map related functionalities. It serves as an orchestrator exposing a common state to all its sub components.

Basic Usage

selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config"></triton-map>
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {
type: 'map-tiler',
value: {
tileServerUrl: 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
function Component(props) {
const config: MapProviderConfig = {
type: 'map-tiler',
value: {
tileServerUrl: 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',

return <TritonMap config />;
<script type="module">
import { defineCustomElements } from '~node_modules/@kognifai/triton-cl-core/loader/index.es2017.js';
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map id="map-basic"></triton-map>

const map = document.getElementById('map-basic');
map.config = {
type: 'map-tiler',
value: {
tileServerUrl: 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',


Map component provides settings to control initial zoom level and map provider

Change Map Provider

Currently map component supports two different map providers: Map tiler and Google maps. This is controlled by using the MapProviderConfig type.

In TypeScript, MapProviderConfig is defined like this:

* Currenly supported map provider types (map tiler and google maps)
export type MapProviderType = 'map-tiler' | 'google-maps';

* Map provider configuration definition
export interface MapProviderConfig {
* Map provider type
type: MapProviderType;

* Config definition
value: TileServerConfig | GoogleMapsConfig;

* Configuration definition for the Map tiler
export interface TileServerConfig {
tileServerUrl?: string;
attribution?: string;
attributionPrefix?: string;
subdomains?: string;
base?: string;
type?: string;
scheme?: string;
app_id?: string;
app_code?: string;
mapID?: string;
minZoom?: number;
maxZoom?: number;
language?: string;
format?: string;
size?: string;

* Configuration definition for Google maps
export interface GoogleMapsConfig {
apiKey: string;
loaderLibraries?: LoaderLibrary[];
attribution?: string;
opacity?: number;
continuousWorld?: boolean;
noWrap?: boolean;
type?: GoogleMapsType;
styles?: GoogleMapsStyle[];

To use Google maps for example you need the following configuration setup:

selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config"></triton-map>
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {
type: 'google-maps',
value: {
apiKey: "Google Maps <API_KEY> here...",
type: "roadmap",
loaderLibraries: ["places"],
continuousWorld: true,
noWrap: false,

Apply Initial Zoom

The most common way to apply initial zoom is by using MapViewSettings type.

In TypeScript, MapViewSettings is defined like this:

* View settings to be used by the map component
export interface MapViewSettings {
* Where should the map be centered
center?: Coordinate;

* What should be the initial zoom level of the map
zoom?: number;

* The minimum zoom level of the map
minZoom?: number;

* The maximum zoom level of the map
maxZoom?: number;

* Flag that controls the visibility of the map scale control.
* False by default.
hideScale?: boolean;

* Flag that controls the auto zoom behavior of the map
disableAutoZoom?: boolean;
selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config" [viewSettings]="viewSettings"></triton-map>
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public viewSettings: MapViewSettings = {
center: {
lat: 54.685236,
lng: 20.270263,
zoom: 5,


To add one or more routes on the map it is necessary to add <triton-map-route> child component(s) to the map component passing some or all of the input properties:

Note: Having one or more routes causes the map to auto-zoom over the area that include all the points of the route(s).
This could be disabled with MapViewSettings.disableAutoZoom = true.

Basic Usage

In order to place a route on the map you need to set the path property with a collection of coordinates.

* Two dimensional array of coordinates defining the route main trail.
* A trail path can be broken down into multiple sub-trails (due to missing geo data for example or other reason).
* This is why we have the path points in two-dimensional array (which is basically array of arrays of points or multi polyline).
* */
@Prop() readonly path!: Coordinate[][];

In Typescript it is defined like this:

export interface Coordinate {
* Latitude (-90, 90)
lat: number;

* Longitude (-180, 180)
lng: number;

* Optional metadata field containing additional metadata
metadata?: CoordinateMetadata;

export interface CoordinateMetadata {
* Metadata id that should uniquely identifies the coordinate (like timestamp)
id: string;

* Optional additional metadata information
value?: string;
selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config">
<triton-map-route [path]="path" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public path: Coordinate[][] = [[
{ lng: 5.185546875, lat: 60.310627317400424 },
{ lng: 5.20751953125, lat: 60.15790959006859 },
{ lng: 5.020751953125, lat: 60.09224104108026 },
{ lng: 9.942626953125, lat: 58.97266715450153 }

Route Style

To customize the route style you need to configure the routeStyle property. In TypeScript, RouteStyle type is defined like this:

export interface RouteStyle {
* Optional fill color.
* Default value: null
fillColor?: string;

* Optional fill opacity.
* Default value: null
fillOpacity?: number;

* Optional line color.
* Default value: black
lineColor?: string;

* Optional line width.
* Default value: 1
lineWidth?: number;

* Optional line opacity.
* Default value: 1
lineOpacity?: number;

* Optional line type.
* Available values are (solid, dashed, dotted).
* Default value: solid
lineType?: RouteLineType;

* Line type of the route.
* Available values are (solid, dashed, dotted).
export enum RouteLineType {
solid = 1,
dashed = 2,
dotted = 3,
selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config">
<triton-map-route [path]="path" [routeStyle]="souteStyle" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public path: Coordinate[][] = [[

public routeStyle: RouteStyle = {
lineColor: 'red',
lineWidth: 3,
lineType: RouteLineType.dashed

Route Segments

To add one or more segments to a route you need to set the segments property. In TypeScript, RouteSegment is a type defined like this:

export interface RouteSegment {
path: Coordinate[][];
style?: RouteStyle;
popup?: MapPopup;
clickBehavior?: MapObjectClickBehavior;
selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config">
<triton-map-route [path]="path" [segments]="segments" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public path: Coordinate[][] = [[

public segments: RouteSegment[] = [
path: [ [
{ lng: 4.8779296875, lat: 53.839563678833606 },
{ lng: 5.2294921875, lat: 54.17529672404642 },
{ lng: 6.39404296875, lat: 55.640398956687356 }, ], ],
style: {
lineColor: 'yellow',
lineWidth: 3,
lineType: RouteLineType.dashed
path: [ [
{ lng: 11.513671874999998, lat: 57.38578314962142 },
{ lng: 11.6015625, lat: 57.1958078966064 },
{ lng: 11.93115234375, lat: 56.547372053078966 },], ],
style: {
lineColor: '#ffffff',
lineWidth: 3

Open Popup

To open a popup on route click it is required to set the clickBehavior to MapObjectClickBehavior.openPopup and popup to instance of type MapPopup. In Typescript, MapPopup is defined like this:

export interface MapPopup {
* CSS class to be applied
className?: string;

* Offset point from the origin
offset?: Point;

* Callback function that is responsible to load the popup content
loadContent: () => Promise<string>;

Popup can be enabled for both main trail or any of the route segments.

selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config">
[popup]="popup" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = { ... }
public path: Coordinate[][] = [[

public routeStyle: RouteStyle = {

public segments: RouteSegment[] = [[
path: [[
style: {
clickBehavior: MapObjectClickBehavior.openPopup,
popup: {
loadContent: () => {
return Promise.resolve('<span>Strong wind</span>');

public clickBehavior: MapObjectClickBehavior = MapObjectClickBehavior.openPopup;

public popup: MapPopup = {
loadContent: () => {
return Promise.resolve('<span>Voyage 1</span>');


Map Routes expose the following events:

/** Emitted when the user clicks the route */
@Event({ bubbles: false }) atClick?: EventEmitter<RouteEventArgs>;

/** Emitted when the mouse enters the route */
@Event({ bubbles: false }) atMouseOver?: EventEmitter<RouteEventArgs>;

/** Emitted when the mouse leaves the route */
@Event({ bubbles: false }) atMouseOut?: EventEmitter<RouteEventArgs>;


To add one or more objects on the map it is necessary to add <triton-map-object> child component(s) to the map component passing some or all of the input properties. The only required properties are location and content. location corresponds to the geographical coordinate where the object should be placed on the map. content corresponds to the visual representation of the object on the map.

@Prop() public readonly location!: Coordinate;
@Prop() public readonly content!: MapObjectContent;

Currently there are three types of content that is supported: static images, svg, html. In Typescript, they are defined like this:

* Definition describing how a map object looks on the map.
export interface MapObjectContent {
* Describes the type of the object content
type: MapObjectContentType,

* Describes the value of the object content
value: ImageContent | SvgContent | HtmlContent;

* Enums containing all supported object content types
export enum MapObjectContentType {
* Static image
image = 1,

* Svg
svg = 2,

* Html fragment
html = 3

Static Image

To show a static image it is required to set the content.type to MapObjectContentType.image and content.value to instance of type ImageContent. In Typescript, ImageContent is defined like this:

* Definition of static image object content
export interface ImageContent {
* Url to a static file or data url
url: string;

It is also required to set the width and height properties of the object.

selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config">
<triton-map-object [location]="location" [content]="content" [width]="width" [height]="height" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public location: Coordinate = {
lat: 59.670491,
lng: 9.679011,

public content: MapObjectContent = {
type: MapObjectContentType.image,
value: <ImageContent>{
url: '',

public width: number = 30;
public height: number = 30;


To show an svg image it is required to set the content.type to MapObjectContentType.svg and content.value to instance of type SvgContent. In Typescript, SvgContent is defined like this:

export interface SvgContent {
* Svg shape type
shapeType: ShapeType;

* Svg data definition
data: string;

* Optional fill color of the svg object.
* Default value: black
fillColor?: string;

* Optional border color of the svg object.
* Default value: black
borderColor?: string;

* Optional border width of the svg object.
* Default value: 1
borderWidth?: number;

* Optional scale on x-axis of the svg object.
* Default value: 1 (no scaling)
scaleX?: number;

* Optional scale on y-axis of the svg object.
* Default value: 1 (no scaling)
scaleY?: number;

It is also required to set the width and height properties of the object.
Optionally you can set rotationAngle property that corresponds to the rotation of the object (value in degrees 0-360).
The following shape types are supported: polyline, polygon, ellipse and path.

For more complex or composite svg images please take a look at the next section (Adding static image as base64 data uri).


selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config" [viewSettings]="viewSettings">
[rotationAngle]="rotationAngle" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public viewSettings: MapViewSettings = {

public location: Coordinate = { lng: 4.932861328124999, lat: 58.12431960569374 };

public content: MapObjectContent = {
type: MapObjectContentType.svg,
value: <SvgContent>{
shapeType: 'polyline',
data: '0,20 10,0 20,20',
fillColor: 'none',
borderColor: 'blue',
borderWidth: 4,
scaleX: 0.8,
scaleY: 0.8,

public width: number = 20;
public height: number = 20;
public rotationAngle: number = 142;


selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config" [viewSettings]="viewSettings">
[rotationAngle]="rotationAngle" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public viewSettings: MapViewSettings = {

public location: Coordinate = { lng: 12.50244140625, lat: 56.07203547180089 };

public content: MapObjectContent = {
type: MapObjectContentType.svg,
value: <SvgContent>{
shapeType: 'polygon',
data: '0,20 0,10 10,0 20,10 20,20 10,10 0,20',
fillColor: 'blue',
borderColor: 'green',
borderWidth: 1,

public width: number = 20;
public height: number = 20;
public rotationAngle: number = 145;


selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config" [viewSettings]="viewSettings">
[height]="height" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public viewSettings: MapViewSettings = {

public location: Coordinate = { lng: 5.369756, lat: 56.036455 };

public content: MapObjectContent = {
type: MapObjectContentType.svg,
value: <SvgContent>{
shapeType: 'ellipse',
data: '20 20 19 19',
fillColor: 'rgba(255,255,0,0.3)',
borderColor: 'purple',
borderWidth: 1,
scaleX: 0.7,
scaleY: 0.7,

public width: number = 40;
public height: number = 40;


selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config" [viewSettings]="viewSettings">
[height]="height" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public viewSettings: MapViewSettings = {

public location: Coordinate = { lng: 2.369756, lat: 56.036455 };

public content: MapObjectContent = {
type: MapObjectContentType.svg,
value: <SvgContent>{
shapeType: 'path',
data: 'M 0 15 q 15 -30 30 0',
fillColor: 'red',
borderColor: 'red',
borderWidth: 1

public width: number = 30;
public height: number = 15;

Data Uri (base64 encoded)

Any image compiled to data uri is supported including composite svg or complex graphics

selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config" [viewSettings]="viewSettings">
[height]="height" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public viewSettings: MapViewSettings = {

public location: Coordinate = { lat: 58.97266715450153, lng: 9.942626953125 };

public content: MapObjectContent = {
type: MapObjectContentType.image,
value: <ImageContent>{

public width: number = 30;
public height: number = 30;

Html Content

To show html content it is required to set the content.type to MapObjectContentType.html and content.value to instance of type HtmlContent. In Typescript, HtmlContent is defined like this:

export interface HtmlContent {
* Html content value
html: string;

* CSS class to be applied
className?: string;

Any html content is supported

selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config" [viewSettings]="viewSettings">
[content]="content" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public viewSettings: MapViewSettings = {

public location: Coordinate = { lng: 21.1376953125, lat: 55.71473455012689 };

public content: MapObjectContent = {
type: MapObjectContentType.html,
value: <HtmlContent>{
html: '<div style="border:3px solid blue; width: 100px; background-color:#faeeb1"><span>Port B</span><div>',

Open Popup

To open a popup on object click it is required to set the clickBehavior to MapObjectClickBehavior.openPopup and popup to instance of type MapPopup.

selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config" [viewSettings]="viewSettings">
[popup]="popup" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public viewSettings: MapViewSettings = {

public location: Coordinate = {

public content: MapObjectContent = {

public width: number = 40;
public height: number = 40;

public clickBehavior = MapObjectClickBehavior.openPopup;
public popup: MapPopup = {
loadContent: () => {
return Promise.resolve('<span>Wind Farm 1</span>');


Map Objects expose the following events:

/** Emitted when the user clicks the object */
@Event({ bubbles: false }) atClick?: EventEmitter<ObjectEventArgs>;

/** Emitted when the mouse enters the object*/
@Event({ bubbles: false }) atMouseOver?: EventEmitter<ObjectEventArgs>;

/** Emitted when the mouse leaves the object */
@Event({ bubbles: false }) atMouseOut?: EventEmitter<ObjectEventArgs>;


Geo json is a format for encoding a variety of geographic data structures. Geo json can be used for a variety of things like: marking geographical objects, surrounding geographical areas of importance, offline map layers. To add one or more geo json layers it is necessary to add <triton-map-geojson-layer> child component(s) to the map component passing some or all of the input properties.

Basic Usage

In order to place a geo json layer on the map you need to set the value with a valid value according to Geo JSON format. Value can be:

selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config" [viewSettings]="viewSettings">
<triton-map-geojson-layer [value]="value" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public viewSettings: MapViewSettings = {

public value = {
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: [
type: 'Feature',
properties: {},
geometry: {
coordinates: [
[-2.0054421430505727, 56.19481218406338],
[1.0295311893883365, 53.1158144306267],
[7.9507992856107705, 53.82199336141804],
[7.912582890129556, 57.549074933063395],
[2.6970250492248624, 58.52327208145965],
[-2.0054421430505727, 56.19481218406338],
type: 'Polygon',



To customize the geo json style you need to set the geojsonStyle property.

selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config" [viewSettings]="viewSettings">
<triton-map-geojson-layer [value]="value" [geojsonStyle]="style"/>
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public viewSettings: MapViewSettings = {

public value = {

public style: RouteStyle = {
lineColor: 'red',
lineWidth: 2,
fillColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.3)',

Open Popup

To open a popup on geo json layer click it is required to set the clickBehavior to MapObjectClickBehavior.openPopup and popup to instance of type MapPopup.

selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config" [viewSettings]="viewSettings">
[popup]="popup" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public viewSettings: MapViewSettings = {

public value = {

public geojsonStyle: RouteStyle = {

public clickBehavior: MapObjectClickBehavior = MapObjectClickBehavior.openPopup;

public popup: MapPopup = {
loadContent: () => {
return Promise.resolve('Restricted area');



Geo JSON layers expose the following events:

/** Emitted when the user clicks the geo json layer  */
@Event({ bubbles: false }) atClick?: EventEmitter<GeojsonEventArgs>;

/** Emitted when the mouse enters the geo json layer*/
@Event({ bubbles: false }) atMouseOver?: EventEmitter<GeojsonEventArgs>;

/** Emitted when the mouse leaves the geo json layer */
@Event({ bubbles: false }) atMouseOut?: EventEmitter<GeojsonEventArgs>;


To add one or more legends on the map it is necessary to add <triton-map-legend> child component(s) to the map component passing some or all of the input properties. Legend content can be any html. Legends can be placed on one of the four corners of the map: Bottom Right (default), Bottom Left, Top Left, Top Right.

selector: 'app-map',
template: `
<div id="map-container" style="width: 800px; height: 400px;">
<triton-map [config]="config" [viewSettings]="viewSettings">
<triton-map-legend [html]="html" [position]="position" />
export class Component {
public config: MapProviderConfig = {

public viewSettings: MapViewSettings = {

public html = `
<table style="font-size: 12px;background: rgba(255,255,255,0.5);border: 1px solid blue;"><tbody>
<tr><td>Location</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>32.668581, -29.608079</td></tr>

public position: MapControlPosition = MapControlPosition.TopRight;




configThe map provider config objectMapProviderConfig-
genericSettingsThe generic settings of the mapMapGenericSettings-
viewSettingsThe view settings of the mapMapViewSettings-


click-behaviorOptional click behavior of the geo json layer.It controls what happens on clicking the geo json layer.MapObjectClickBehavior.customAction MapObjectClickBehavior.none MapObjectClickBehavior.openPopup-
geojson-idOptional id of the geo json layerstring-
geojsonStyleOptional style configuration of the geo json layerRouteStyle-
popupOptional popup configuration of the geo json layer.MapPopup-
valueGeo json value.Can be- string representing stringified value of the geo json object- any json object corresponding to the geo json format httpsen.wikipedia.orgwikiGeoJSONany-


css-class-nameOptional CSS class to be appliedstring-
htmlHtml content valuestring-
positionOptional legend positionMapControlPosition.BottomLeft MapControlPosition.BottomRight MapControlPosition.TopLeft MapControlPosition.TopRightMapControlPosition.BottomRight


anchorPoint of object which will correspond to markers location.Default is the center of the objectPoint-
click-behaviorOptional click behavior of the object.It controls what happens on clicking the object.MapObjectClickBehavior.customAction MapObjectClickBehavior.none MapObjectClickBehavior.openPopup-
contentObject representation - how the object looks.MapObjectContent-
heightThe height of the objectnumber-
locationObject location where it should be placed on the mapCoordinate-
max-distance-from-routeIf the object is associated with a route this should be the maximum distance in kilometres from the route where the object should be locatednumber0.1
nameOptional name of the objectstring-
object-idOptional id of the objectstring-
popupOptional popup configuration of the object.MapPopup-
rotation-angleOptional angle of rotationnumber0
route-idIf the object is associated with a route this should have its idstring-
widthThe width of the objectnumber-


click-behaviorOptional click behavior of the route main trail.It controls what happens on clicking the segment.MapObjectClickBehavior.customAction MapObjectClickBehavior.none MapObjectClickBehavior.openPopup-
pathTwo dimensional array of coordinates defining the route main trail.A trail path can be broken down into multiple sub-trails due to missing geo data for example or other reason.This is why we have the path points in two-dimensional array which is basically array of arrays of points or multi polyline.Coordinate[][]-
popupOptional popup configuration of the route main trail.MapPopup-
route-idOptional id of the routestring-
routeStyleOptional style definition of the route main trailRouteStyle-
segmentsOptional array of additional route segments to be rendered over the main trail segmentRouteSegment[]-


Main Component

atClickCustomEvent<CoordinateEventArgs>Event emitted when the user clicks or taps the map-
atKeyDownCustomEvent<KeyEventArgs>Event emitted when the user presses a key from the keyboard while the map is focused-
atMouseMoveCustomEvent<{ lat: number; lng: number; }>Event emitted when mouse move over the map-
atMouseOutCustomEvent<CoordinateEventArgs>Event emitted when the mouse leaves the map-
atMouseOverCustomEvent<CoordinateEventArgs>Event emitted when the mouse enters the map-
atMoveEndCustomEvent<MapBoundsEventArgs>Event emitted when the center of the map stops changing e.g. user stopped dragging the map or after non-centered zoom-
atZoomEndCustomEvent<ZoomEventArgs>Event emitted when the map zoom changed-


atClickCustomEvent<GeojsonEventArgs>Emitted when the user clicks the geo json layer-
atMouseOutCustomEvent<GeojsonEventArgs>Emitted when the mouse leaves the geo json layer-
atMouseOverCustomEvent<GeojsonEventArgs>Emitted when the mouse enters the geo json layer-


atClickCustomEvent<ObjectEventArgs>Emitted when the user clicks the object-
atMouseOutCustomEvent<ObjectEventArgs>Emitted when the mouse leaves the object-
atMouseOverCustomEvent<ObjectEventArgs>Emitted when the mouse enters the object-


atClickCustomEvent<RouteEventArgs>Emitted when the user clicks the route-
atMouseOutCustomEvent<RouteEventArgs>Emitted when the mouse leaves the route-
atMouseOverCustomEvent<RouteEventArgs>Emitted when the mouse enters the route-