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Version: 5.0.3


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Triton's flexible color system is designed to simplify the process of creating and managing a consistent color scheme across different products. Instead of relying on hardcoded colors, Triton enables projects to customize their color usage and then calculates the appropriate colors for them. This approach ensures consistency while also allowing for customization, making it easy for projects to create unique branding and visual identities that align with their goals and preferences.

In addition to providing a flexible color system, Triton also addresses the challenges of theming. By specifying a ruleset for how colors are calculated, Triton can automatically adjust colors between themes. The new color system is rule-based with colors cascading down from a few simple variables, with calculated adjustments to brightness in adherance with good contrast practices. By using Triton's color system, projects can save time and effort on color management, while having a flexible color system that enables a fully customizable look and feel to serve the product's needs.