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Version: 5.0.3


Date Picker is an input field for dates and times. Clicking it opens up a calendar where the user can select date. If enabled, a time picker can also be opened within the same widget. TritonDatePicker supports multiple time and date formats, and has several ease-of-use functionalities.

Basic Usage

<script type="module">
import { defineCustomElements } from '~node_modules/@kognifai/triton-cl-core/loader/index.es2017.js';


The TritonDatePicker's default mode allows users to pick a date, as shown in the Basic Example above.

Date & Time

By setting the mode property to datetime, picking both date and time is enabled. The user will be able to click a button to switch between the two.

Note: For time to be enabled, a format that includes time will have to be set, using the format property. See example below.

<triton-date-picker mode="datetime" label="Date and Time" format="DD.MM.YYYY - HH:mm" ></triton-date-picker>


By setting the mode property to range, the user can select a range of dates, from one date to another.

Note: The range setting is NOT compatible with time selection. In range picker, only a range of dates can be selected.

<triton-date-picker mode="range" label="Range"></triton-date-picker>


Custom Formats

Datepicker accept all valid date formats from MomentJS or dayJS. Simple apply the prop format with the format of your choice (see examples).

<triton-date-picker label="YYYY-MM-DD" format="YYYY-MM-DD"></triton-date-picker>

<triton-date-picker label="MM/DD/YY" format="MM/DD/YY"></triton-date-picker>

<triton-date-picker label="D MMM. YYYY" format="D MMM. YYYY"></triton-date-picker>


Min and Max

TritonDatePicker supports setting either a min or a max date, or both.


Set Default Date

Sometimes it is useful to start the default date in the DatePicker on a given day, instead of today's date. To do this, pass a date to the internal-date property

label="Default date is on 06.06.2025"




clear-inputIf true, the value of the component can be set to nullbooleanfalse
disabledIf true, the component will look disabled and not be interactablebooleanfalse
errorIf true the input element will be displayed as invalidbooleanfalse
error-textIf the error-property is true, this Error-text will be displayed at the bottom of the fieldstring-
formatSet the datepicker format allowed Day.js format. If this value exist, defaultDate will then accept data is this format.string-
helper-textA brief text for the user, at the bottom of the fieldstring-
hour-stepset hour step, it will only work if the mode is datetimenumber-
internal-dateIf there is no input value, this will be the default internal selected date. If this is empty, today will be the internal dateDate Dayjs number string-
labelThe label displayed for the fieldstring-
max-dateSet the maximum date which the user can inputDate Dayjs number string-
min-dateSet the min date which the user can inputDate Dayjs number string-
minute-stepset minuttes step, it will only work if the mode is datetimenumber-
modeSet the mode for the pickerdate datetime range'date'
nameThe name of the control, which is submitted with the form data.string-
placeholderInstructional text that shows before the input has a valuestring-
placementSet the position the dropdown will open in, relative to the context elementbottom bottomLeft bottomRight left leftBottom leftTop right rightBottom rightTop top topLeft topRight'bottomLeft'
requiredIf true, the user must fill in a value before submitting a formbooleanfalse
second-stepset secounds step, it will only work if the mode is datetimenumber-
sizeSet the size of the componentbase body large medium small tiny xlarge xxlarge xxxlarge'body'
valueThe value of the date pickerstring-


atBlurCustomEvent<void>Emitted when the input loses focus.-
atChangeCustomEvent<{ value: string; date: DateWrapResult; rangeEnd?: DateWrapResult; }>Emitted when the value has changed.-
atFocusCustomEvent<void>Emitted when the input has focus.-
atInputCustomEvent<{ value: string; date: DateWrapResult; rangeEnd?: DateWrapResult; }>Emitted when a keyboard input occurred-