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Version: 5.0.3


Sliders let the user set a numeric value from a range by sliding a knob with the mouse. This is typically represented using a slider or dial control rather than a numeric input element. Sliders are not generally used for precise numbers, or in situations where the user cares about the exact number. The goal is instead to allow uses to dynamically update their input until they are satisfied, often by seing the results directly. An example of use is to adjust brightness on a page.

Basic Usage

<script type="module">
import { defineCustomElements } from '~node_modules/@kognifai/triton-cl-core/loader/index.es2017.js';


The TritonSlider's default mode allows users to slide a one step slider, as shown in the Basic Example above.


<triton-slider range value="50" min-label="MIN" max-label="MAX"></triton-slider>


Min and Max

By default the slider lets users slide between the values 0 and 100. Use the respective properties to set a different min and max.

<triton-slider min="-500" max="500" value="200"></triton-slider>


How much the slider value changes at a time can be set by using the step property.

<triton-slider step="0.1" value="10"></triton-slider>



Set the labels on either side of the slider by using the min-label and max-label properties.

<triton-slider min-label="MIN" max-label="MAX"></triton-slider>


The slider can be set to vertical instead of the default horizontal by using the orientation property.

<triton-slider value="20" orientation="vertical"></triton-slider>


The Slider uses the standard Triton icon-leading and icon-trailing properties to set icons.

<triton-slider value="20" icon-leading="cog"></triton-slider>
<triton-slider value="20" icon-trailing="cog"></triton-slider>



disabledIf true, the component will look disabled and not be interactablebooleanfalse
icon-leadingDisplay icon on the left side of the sliderIcon-
icon-trailingDisplay icon on the right side of the sliderIcon-
labelThe label displayed for the fieldstring-
maxThe maximum value the input can have. max can not be less than the value of the min attributenumber100
max-labelAt default the max number will render, if this is empty, if set to false no label will renderboolean string-
minThe minimum value the input can have. min can not be greater than the value of the max attributenumber0
min-labelAt default the min number will render, if this is empty, if set to false no label will renderboolean string-
orientationSet the orientation of the slider. If set to vertical the slider will render downwardshorizontal vertical'horizontal'
rangeIf true the user can select a range from A to B in the slider, instead of selecting only a single pointbooleanfalse
stepSet how much the value changes when the user uses up or down arrows to increment it.Possible values are any or a positive floating point numbernumber10
valueThe value of the slider[number,number] number-


atBlurCustomEvent<void>Emitted when the slider loses focus.-
atChangeCustomEvent<[number, number] \| number>Emitted when the value has changed.-
atFocusCustomEvent<void>Emitted when the slider gains focus.-
atInputCustomEvent<KeyboardEvent>Emitted when a mouse input occurs.-


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